Generate inline background-image CSS style based on provided URL.
Background image URL or web address.
CSS style for the provided background image address.
backgroundImageStyle( 'https://interactive-examples.mdn.mozilla.net/media/examples/lizard.png' );
// => Object { backgroundImage: 'url(https://interactive-examples.mdn.mozilla.net/media/examples/lizard.png)' }
Extracts block specific CSS class name generated by Gutenberg editor.
By default the block CSS class name is prefixed with wp-block
CSS class names assigned to the block.
CSS class name generated for the block.
blockClassName( 'wp-block-sixa-spacer custom-class-name test-class-name' );
// => string 'wp-block-sixa-spacer'
Extracts selected block style slug from the provided block specific CSS class names.
CSS class names assigned to the block.
Style name associated or selected for this block.
blockStyleSlug( 'wp-block-sixa-spacer is-style-fancy test-class-name' );
// => string 'fancy'
Converts a string (e.g. 'yes' or 'no') to a bool.
Converted value.
stringToBoolean( 'yes' );
// => boolean true
Converts a bool to a 'yes' or 'no'.
Converted value.
booleanToString( true );
// => string 'yes'
Creates an object composed of the (nested) picked object properties.
Returns the new object.
deepPick( { id: 1, title: { rendered: 'Hello world!' } }, [ 'title.rendered' ] );
// => Object { title: 'Hello world!' }
Generate dim CSS class name based on the provided ratio or opacity.
Dim ratio or opacity. [0-100]
CSS class name generated from the ratio value.
dimRatioClassName( 30 );
// => string 'has-background-dim-30'
Utility to make WordPress REST API requests. It's a wrapper around window.fetch
The endpoint that is being appended to the REST API root URL for the current site.
= {per_page:-1}
Request arguments.
The object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation.
fetchRequest( 'https://wptest.io/demo/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' ).then( ( data ) => console.log( data ) );
// => Promise 'https://wptest.io/demo/wp-json/wp/v2/posts'
Creates a function that performs a partial deep comparison between the id
a given object to the passed value. Returns true if the object value is equivalent,
otherwise false.
This function is used as the default predicate for filterCollectionByValues
A value to check for.
Predicate comparison function.
Iterates over elements of values
and returns all entries from collection
for which predicate
returns truthy.
Notice that this function preserves the order of values
in the result set
and is thus most useful if a collection must be filtered in an order that is
specified by another collection.
The values to search for.
The collection to search elements in.
= matchId
The predicate function to be applied in every iteration.
All matching entries in collection.
filterCollectionByValues( [ 1, 3 ], [ { id: 1, content: {} }, { id: 2, content: {} }, { id: 3, content: {} } ] );
// => Array [ { id: 1, content: {} }, { id: 3, content: {} } ]
Generates corresponding CSS based on the provided focal point picker values.
Example focal point picker value: { x: 0.5, y: 0.1 }
Corresponding CSS: background-position: 50% 10%
Focal point object value.
Calculated X and Y position based on the focalpoint object provided.
focalPointStyle( { x: 0.67, y: 0.65 } );
// => string '67% 65%'
Gets a formatted version of the post content provided.
Post content.
Formatted post content.
formattedContent( '<span class=\"amount\"><bdi><span class=\"currency\">£<\/span>11.05<\/bdi><\/span>' );
// => string '<span class="amount"><bdi><span class="currency">£</span>11.05</bdi></span>'
Extracts email addresses from mailto
href link.
The href attribute value.
Extracted email-addresses from the provided href value.
getMailTo( 'mailto:info@example.com,info@test.com' );
// => Array '[ 'info@example.com', 'info@test.com' ]'
Converts a given hex-unicode into an Emoji icon.
Emoji specific hex code.
Rendered Emoji.
hexToEmoji( '1F603' );
// => string 😃
Insert an item into an array at a specific index.
The array to add to.
The value to insert.
Given array index to insert the value.
Returns the new updated array.
insertAtIndex( [ 'a', 'd', 'c' ], 'b', 1 );
// => Array [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
Check if value is classified as an array object and is not empty.
The value to check.
Whether the argument provided is a non-empty array.
isNonEmptyArray( [] );
// => boolean false
Determine whether the content is center positioned.
The value to check.
Return true if content is center positioned.
isPositionCenter( 'center' );
// => boolean true
Parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string.
The string to parse as JSON.
Converted value to object.
jsonify( '[{"id":1,"title":"sunt aut facere"},{"id":2,"title":"qui est esse"}]' );
// => Object [ { id: 1, title: 'sunt aut facere' }, { id: 2, title: 'qui est esse' } ]
Generates content-position CSS class name based on provided value.
CSS position value.
Corresponding CSS class name based on the provided position.
positionToClassName( 'center right' );
// => string 'is-position-center-right'
Determines which element has the highest occurrence (mode) in the given array.
The array to process.
(null | string)
Mode element or null.
pullMode( ['pear', 'apple', 'orange', 'apple'] );
// => string "apple"
Removes an item from the array at a specific index.
Returns the new updated array.
removeAtIndex( [ 'a', 'd', 'b' ], 1 );
// => Array [ 'a', 'b' ]
Generates an array of objects to be passed to the SelectControl
SelectControl allow users to select from a single-option menu. It functions as a wrapper around the browser’s native <select>
The response on the API call of array of post objects.
The property paths to pick.
= optionNone
Text to display for showing no options being selected.
An array of objects containing the label to be shown to the user, and value used to choose the selected value.
selectOptions( [ { id: 1, title: { rendered: 'sunt aut facere' } }, { id: 2, title: { rendered: 'qui est esse' } } ], { id: 'value', 'title.rendered': 'label' } );
// => Array [ { value: 1, label: 'Hello world!' }, { value: 2, label: 'qui est esse' } ]
Generate shortcode.
Generated shortcode.
shortcode( 'sixa_teams', { posts: [1, 2], number: 2 } );
// => string '[sixa_teams posts="1,2" number="2"]'
Slugifies every string, even when it contains unicode! Properly strips all HTML tags including script and style.
The value to slugify.
Converted value to slug.
slugify( 'unicode is ♥' );
// => string 'unicode-is-love'
Converts empty spaces to its corresponsding HTML character entity ( ). A non-breaking space is a space that will not break into a new line. Two words separated by a non-breaking space will stick together (not break into a new line). This method is handy when breaking the words might be disruptive.
String to convert.
Converted value.
spaceToNbsp( 'Hello World! This is an example.' );
// => string 'Hello World! This is an example.'
Stringify an array of objects into a query string.
The array of objects to query stringify.
Returns a stringified query.
stringifyQuery( [ { product: '1885' }, { action: 'hook_name' } ] );
// => string 'product=1885&action=hook_name'
Converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string.
The value to convert to a JSON object.
Converted value to string.
stringify( [ { id: 1, title: 'sunt aut facere' }, { id: 2, title: 'qui est esse' } ] );
// => string '[{"id":1,"title":"sunt aut facere"},{"id":2,"title":"qui est esse"}]'